Thursday, November 15, 2007

Seldovia in the News

I heard Mike Mason doing a story on KBBI this AM regarding the Kachemak Bay Ferry System. Again the Seldovia is sounding kinda crazy.

Mason did try and keep to the facts; Micheal Beale reporting to the Homer City Council on the ferry update and changes; Seldovia's newest city manager explaining why the city can't support the project now, blah blah blah. But again the subtext was the City v. Tribe. And the Tribe is always coming to the meetings and on the radio with something to offer, be it development, jobs etc.

I am sure that everyone must know that SNA has the City by the balls. Yelp! And it going to be tough to find some power base from which the City can squirm out of this grip. (Unfortunate imagery, but it fits.)
Please the comments to the previous post.

On another note I would love for someone to explain to me what it means to be a member of the Republican party and why you keep electing these crooked politicians. And before we say it is all politics, remember these are Republican Appointed Attorneys that are getting local crooks.
Don Young is accused of using our single congressional seat for personal gain. Shame on him and shame on us for sending him back again and again.
And Ted is accused of using earmarks to benefit his son. UGH.

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