Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Hippies will be right on this one too

I saw this story on the ADN website and have passively tracking it in the news:

Inlet mining decision brings residents' lawsuit

I love to comment on the ADN website. It is so easy to excite folks. But I don't ever leave comments I don't think are true. I left this one:
The wealth will go to shareholders and probably a bunch of Canadians and Brits if the trends hold. Some Alaskans will have a few jobs, make some money, if it is a Union Mine, before they move to Arizona, or Idaho. We will be left with a hole and a dead watershed.
Search the data on hazardous spills in at Red Dog. Enter Red Dog in the "Facility Name Search" at http://www.dec.state.ak.us/spar/perp/search/FacilitySearch.asp This is what got reported. There will be spills, ships hitting the bottom in Cook Inlet, broken retaining dams and broken promises.
I would rather rely on a intact eco-system than promises from corporate boards. With the news lately, you and I are bailing out greedy corporations with our taxes. Unchecked capitalism is killing us all. Climate Change? Have you been paying any attention?
Should be fun to watch the comments roll in. Oh and the Coal leases are owned by the Hunts Brothers and Dick Bass, not the Canadians. I like Canadians, but really they don't do natural resources well. More of us Texans in Alaska! They don't do natural resources well either.

I have been a little lax in posting. The summer is getting ready to start and I have to prepare. It could be that playing the kid at Xbox/Halo 3 has been taking up some evening hours. He loves to kill his father. Little Oedipus.

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